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Public posters by a student of EAaD School are exhibited on the New York Times Square

From April 13th to 19th, 2020, Wang Xueting, a student majored in visual communication from EAaD School, has designed a public poster with the theme of “Love will win and goodbye to COVID-19”, which was exhibited on the New York Times Square for 24-hour rolling exhibition. During such special days, it an invaluable experience to showcase her own design on such a highly communicative platform. So we interviewed the poster designer, Wang Xueting.

Picture 1 Exhibition of the anti-epidemic public posters on the New York Times Square.


ReporterHow do you have such an opportunity to make this design?

Xueting: “Last year I had the idea to study abroad and participated in on-campus International Foundation Program. Mr Zhang, the project leader, posed this challenge of designing a commonweal poster in three days with UCE (Ultimate Connection Experts). And if UCE was satisfied with our work, it would be broadcasted and displayed in New York Times Square. At that time, when I saw the information, I didn’t dare to think or believe that I could do it, Mr Zhang kept encouraging our group members again and again, and I could feel Mr. Zhang’s faith in us as he gave us this opportunity at the first time. With his encouragement, so we signed up for this activity.”


ReporterWhat’s your reaction after you receive this urgent task?


Xueting: “ At first I still don’t believe it as I have never expected to reach the New York Times. Without Mr. Zhang’s recommendation, I wouldn’t have this opportunity. I was totally in a loss at first since there are only 3 days left. After I calm down, I made a thorough communication with UCE and my academic supervisor, who helped me analyze my design needs and dug deep into my creativity. Dedicated myself to this tense work, I have always been worried that I wouldn’t be able to do the project well. But since the first project in my foundation portfolio for studying abroad was also related to bacteria and viruses, I really got into it and did it with no unfamiliarity to the project and was relieved until the end of the design.”

Picture 2 Mr Zhang, the project leader of the International Foundation Program are giving students instruction.


Reporter: What’s the subject of your design?


Xueting: UCE requires to show the mutual help among people all over the world and confidence to win the battle against the epidemic. Based on this request, I firstly researched some American ethnic cultures and popular advertising design styles and came up with four design sketches related to the topic. Considering the multi-racial and diversified display atmosphere, I chose the design: 3 hands of different colors holding up a heart. For the background color, I chose a simple yet bright gradient color, hoping to give people a sense of hope; I used a thicker sans-serif font for the English version, in order to adapt to the uniformity of American advertising display fonts; I used a more conventional font for the Chinese version, which is more simple and clear. In the end I signed my name as copyright in the work and felt really proud of myself. ”

Picture 3 The design process


In the context of global epidemic, what kind of energy do you think design can generate?


Xueting: “The outbreak of global epidemic aroused much panic among people and good designs can be very comforting. When staying at home, I often browse the public number and microblog related to design, realizing the great healing power of only one picture or poster. Therefore, I feel it a rare opportunity to show my works in Times Square to the world, so I was determined to make a work that could soothe and unite people’s hearts.”


Reporter: What influence does this challenge have on you?


Xueting: I decided to go abroad in my junior semester, and after consulting and comparing, I signed up for the International Foundation Program for the master of art.

When I first started in this program, I was not very confident in my major, and I have been hesitant to change my major. But several teachers responsible for overseas study helped me as well as my academic supervisor. It greatly enhanced my confidence and courage. For the first time, I have realized that the expertise I have acquired over the past three years can be put to good use, while at the same time making me believe that I can do even better in terms of expertise and skills.”


Xueting added “I am very thankful for this experience, not only gaining a great sense of achievement, but also practically experiencing the sense of responsibility as a designer. Over the past six months, I have experienced the beauty of this small class, experienced a series of professional training such as project proposal, technical software learning, thematic workshops, artwork presentation, etc. I am also full of confidence and expectation for pursuing my master degree abroad. Everyone in my class works hard for his own dream School. Now I am quite determined of choosing visual communication as my major and plan to earnestly complete my course, produce a satisfactory portfolio and apply for postgraduate courses in the UK. In the future, I want to see a bigger world and design with my own attitude and sense of responsibility.”

Picture 4  A reporting site of the International Foundation Program for the master of arts in 2019: All the students and academic advisor are listening to the report.

Picture 5 One experience-sharing session by seniors: seniors graduating from the elite school share their graduation project and education experience in UK.

Picture 6 Preparatory undergraduates of the international master of fine arts are having common course: the proposal of Project 1!