《健康飞行 -- 飞行员医学指南》
Fitness to Fly – A Medical Guide for Pilots
The medical guide every pilot must have!
《健康飞行 -- 飞行员医学指南》是一本易于阅读的具有激励和教育作用的预防医学手册。手册包含生动、丰富的内容和图表,可以帮助您降低健康风险以及设定自己的目标和策略,以保持适合于飞行的体质和平衡的生活方式。
Fitness to Fly – A Medical Guide for Pilots is a preventive-medicine handbook that is easy-to-read, motivating and educational, with engaging content, graphics and charts to empower you to limit your health risks and set your own goals and strategies to maintain fitness to fly and a balanced lifestyle.
This guide was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in collaboration with the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). It is focused on the health risks pilots face during their careers and the medical recommendations that help them mitigate those risks.
This handbook is intended to close the gap between pilots’ medical requirements in order to fly and the preventive measures that can help them fulfill those requirements. The recommendations contained in this guide are also applicable for cabin crew, air traffic controllers and anyone working within the aviation industry.
联 系 人:张芯瑜