中伦律师事务所作为投资人日本本田技研工业(中国)投资有限公司(“Honda中国”)的法律顾问,参与并促成其作为战略投资人于2018年3月16日与中国领先的IT企业东软集团股份有限公司(“东软集团”)旗下的东软睿驰汽车技术有限公司(“东软睿驰”)签署合作协议,向东软睿驰旗下的汽车共享事业公司睿驰达新能源汽车科技 (北京) 有限公司(“睿驰达”)注资6,000万元人民币,双方携手开展汽车共享事业。本次投资系日本汽车制造商首次成功在中国市场投资共享汽车行业。
Zhong Lun advised Honda Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (“Honda China”) with respect to its investment as a strategic investor to execute collaboration agreement with Neusoft Corporation (600718.SH “Neusoft”), a leading Chinese IT company, and invested 60,000,000 RMB in ReachStar New Energy Automotive Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., to work together as developing the Car Sharing Business. This is the first investment of Car Sharing Business successfully conducted by Japanese Car Manufacturer in the China market.
Acting as the legal counsel of the Honda China, Zhong Lun participated deeply in this investment and provided thorough legal service to all aspects therein. The Zhong Lun team on this investment led by Partner Heng (Dean) DING, with principal support by Associate Jiachen (Claire) ZHAO. Other lawyers participating in this transaction include Associate Haijie CHEN etc.