
Hylands’ Guangzhou office’s party building work has been awarded in the Lawyers Industry of Guangdong Province


On the occasion of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and comprehensively strengthening the party-building work in Guangdong’s law industry, the party committee of Guangdong’s lawyer industry has recently felicitated grassroots party organizations, party workers, and party members for their outstanding party building work from 2018 to 2019. The party branch of Hylands’ Guangzhou Office was appraised as an advanced grass-roots party organization in Guangdong’s lawyer industry, and the party branch secretary, attorney Chao GAO, was appraised as an excellent party worker in Guangdong’s lawyer industry. In this commendation, the party branches of 14 law firms and 10 party workers in Guangzhou received the honor.

Hylands’ Guangzhou Office has always attached great importance to party-building work. The office gives full play to the role of the party branch as a battleground and the leading role of party members as pioneers and models, insists on promoting the development of the law firm through party building, which has achieved effective results, enhanced the cohesion of the office, and promoted the positive energy. The party branch and party members will continuously enhance the ‘Four Consciousnesses’, remain ‘Four-Sphere Confidence’ and achieve ‘Two Upholds’ following the requirements of the central and higher party committees. With a higher stance, stricter requirements, and greater efforts, the Party branch, and party members should comprehensively improve the arty building work in the office, devote themselves to the party building in the industry, and make due contributions to the realization of social fairness and justice and the promotion of the law-based governance on all fronts.