
Special legal services for the Non-Performing Assets Disposal Project of Great Wall Xinsheng Trust Co. Ltd.


Great Wall Xinsheng Trust Co. Ltd. intended to dispose of its non-performing assets such as the equity interest in Xi’an Zhishijie Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (Zhishijie Company) and its creditor’s rights and other non-performing assets with Zhishijie Company by way of public transfer, and Hylands Law Firm provided whole-process legal services for the project.

The main legal service provided this time included: conducting due diligence on background information, qualifications of the transferor, equity structure and operation of Zhishijie Company, major assets and liabilities of Zhishijie Company, major pending lawsuits, etc., analyzing the solvency of Zhishijie Company and its guarantor, comparing the priority between the creditor’s rights to be transferred and other creditor’s rights, and giving legal opinions on the legality and compliance of the disposal plan and procedures of non-performing assets, etc.